Getting your home ready for Back to School
Aug 21, 2013
The lazy days of summer have come to an end! As your family launches into back to school season, there are some steps you can take to ease the transition.

Start by taking a look at wherever you consider to be your command central station and make sure it is ready for the onslaught of new activity. Clear out old paperwork to make room for the new. Set up a file system for school notices and activity reference paperwork and consider a bulletin board for papers that will be referred to frequently. Consider color coding activities by family member.

Where will the kids do their homework? If there is not an official homework zone, make sure you are well stocked on supplies in the kitchen or near where the kids will usually be working. This is a great time and opportunity to clean out that junk drawer!

This is also a good time of year to spend a little time de-cluttering the kids’ bedrooms. Go through their clothes for what fits and donate what does not. Make a list in advance of what needs to be purchased right away vs. what can wait until later in the season to simplify shopping. Don’t forget to label new purchases with each child’s name to guard against the inevitable items that will land in lost and found!

How does your mudroom look? What about the garage? Do an inventory of everything and check the condition of sneakers, cleats, helmets and sports equipment.

Organize the pantry and pull out your recipes for easy make-ahead weeknight meals. As you start to pack school lunches again, you’ll want to replenish container supplies that are worn out or missing.

Bye bye Summer; hello Fall!